
Listing of categories that I have written about.


  • This week in learning

    Muscular antagonist, did history happen, so much rain, and agave itches
    The following are a list of concise things that stuck out in my brain throughout the week:

  • This week in learning

    You’re a difference person each day, flat bench, and SVB
    The following are a list of concise things that stuck out in my brain throughout the week:

  • Block out the noise

    How does an old phone help me focus?
    I have an iPhone SE… not the new one, but the old one. The very old one. In fact, I was hanging out with my 6 year old niece a few weeks ago and she said, “You don’t have a phone, you have an iPod.” It is that old. It...

  • Hobbies during Covid

    I have worked from home for many years; being remote has been my way of life. What has always kept me sane is:

  • Do nothing

    Everywhere you look, you can see people with their heads down. You see their craned necks and their thumb swiping.

  • Let's talk about stress

    Stress is all around you. It is everywhere, it will always be present, and there is nothing that you can do about it. But let’s be clear: how you respond to stress is absolutely in your control.

  • During the quest for progress, we need to remain benevolent

    We learn history, but we do not necessarily learn from history.  We always think that this time is different; with different people, circumstances, incentives, etc.  But, we really are not all that different than our ancestors who walked several thousand years before us. Humans are still - and will always be - humans.

  • Voting should be a Holiday

    It just doesn’t make sense. We get days off for dead presidents, a badass civil rights leader, honoring our Veterans, our independence, labor rights, when an explorer showed up to the Americas, time to gives thanks (read: eat turkey), and the birth of a major religious figure.  But, we don’t celebrate the most concrete foundation of democracy; voting.

  • Backpacking Tent Review: Hilleberg Anjan 2

    A couple of months back I decided to bite the bullet and order a new three-season backpacking tent.  There are a ton out there - in every budget range and representing any feature.  I settled on a Hilleberg Anjan 2.

  • Put down your phone - but then pick it up

    At the bus stop – on my way home from work – there are usually about 30-50 people waiting for their respective buses. At least 90% of the people have their neck craned and their head down looking into their phone. This is usually the saddest part of my day.

  • Why you need to try mountain biking

    I hadn’t ridden a bike since my trusty GT Aggressor was stolen from my apartment in graduate school. There were about eight of us who lived at that apartment and we all had bikes that were left unlocked. Someone wanted to steal mine one night leave the others. I am totally over it…

  • Why I Miss Phone Booths

    We live in a constantly communicating society.  We have posts, tweets, blogs (thanks for reading), snapchats, and updates.  Try leaving your house without your phone and sheer panic not setting in – you’ll go back home to get it.


  • Podcast Review: the History of Rome

    If I didn’t say it before, I’ll say it again: I love history.  The more, the merrier.  A few months ago, I stumbled upon The History of Rome podcast.  It starts at the actual - mythical - theories onto how Rome started, and it ends in year 476 with the exile of Romulus Augustulus.  You must practice patience because...

  • Podcast Review: Hardcore History - Dan Carlin

    Alright, I will say it: I love history.  It is inspiring to learn about what people have accomplished, how they have done it, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I am not talking about the sugar-coated history either.  I love learning about the villains and the things that were left out of the high school history books.




  • Block out the noise

    How does an old phone help me focus?
    I have an iPhone SE… not the new one, but the old one. The very old one. In fact, I was hanging out with my 6 year old niece a few weeks ago and she said, “You don’t have a phone, you have an iPod.” It is that old. It...



  • This week in learning

    Muscular antagonist, did history happen, so much rain, and agave itches
    The following are a list of concise things that stuck out in my brain throughout the week:

  • This week in learning

    You’re a difference person each day, flat bench, and SVB
    The following are a list of concise things that stuck out in my brain throughout the week: