Podcast Review: The History of Byzantium

Alright, I love history. I love everything about it. It applies so much to our lives. I spent a lot of time listening to the History of Rome podcast and wrote about it.

The History of Byzantium picks up where the History of Rome left off. Robin Pierson takes you on the continuation of Romania and into - what we call - the Byzantine period. It truly is the story of the continuation of Rome but instead of starting with the Pagan-Republicans of the Roman Republic, it starts with the Christian-Imperialists of Constantinople.

Robin does an amazing job picking up the torch where Mike Duncan (History of Rome) left off. The journey of The History of Byzantium goes until  1453 AD and the fall of Constantinople.

Each episode is done in a consumable length; not too long, not too short, around  ~30 minutes. There are currently 177 episodes and counting…

To sum it up: it is amazing to understand the dynamics of people that walked before us after hundreds of years; that is the time that it takes for objectivity to prevail and truly understand what happened. That is exactly what The History of Byzantium is all about; no bullshit and to the point of what happened.

I cannot recommend it enough.