
Thoughts, ideas, and occasional breakthroughs…

  • Do nothing

    Everywhere you look, you can see people with their heads down. You see their craned necks and their thumb swiping.

  • Let's talk about stress

    Stress is all around you. It is everywhere, it will always be present, and there is nothing that you can do about it. But let’s be clear: how you respond to stress is absolutely in your control.

  • During the quest for progress, we need to remain benevolent

    We learn history, but we do not necessarily learn from history.  We always think that this time is different; with different people, circumstances, incentives, etc.  But, we really are not all that different than our ancestors who walked several thousand years before us. Humans are still - and will always be - humans.

  • Voting should be a Holiday

    It just doesn’t make sense. We get days off for dead presidents, a badass civil rights leader, honoring our Veterans, our independence, labor rights, when an explorer showed up to the Americas, time to gives thanks (read: eat turkey), and the birth of a major religious figure.  But, we don’t celebrate the most concrete foundation of democracy; voting.